698 Questions

154 Points
3 Posts
Recently, I updated VS 2024 to latest version (say: 17.10.3). Now when trying to debug Azure Functions locally getting following error: There is no functions runtime available that matches the version specified in the project Using function version: 4.0: <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"&g ...
Views: 30
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Posted On: 26-Jul-2024 02:45 
284 Points
14 Posts
Guys, I'm trying to remove marker outline i.e. stroke in the Telerik Chart. But I'm not seeing any way to do this. Problem with outline (stroke): For the large point data and very near data, telerik chart is ploting data point as linear graph and looks good. But when do moveout on legend it's sho ...
Views: 92
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Posted On: 11-Jul-2024 22:22 
1512 Points
51 Posts
I'm trying to integrate drag and drop feature form telerik treeview to telerik gridview. But seems , not working as expected, showing wrong or invalid DestinationIndex when drag & drop treeview item to gridview's detail area. I'm using telerik for blazor version 6.0.2. Here is sample code exampl ...
Views: 130
Total Answered: 3
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Posted On: 09-Jul-2024 22:54 
Alora eve
Alora eve
2 Points
1 Posts
Hi everyone, I'm looking for an efficient way to save Gmail emails to a folder on my computer. I want to ensure I can access these emails offline and organize them better for my personal records. Does anyone have a step-by-step guide or any recommendations on how to do this? I'm open to using ...
Views: 80
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Posted On: 07-Jul-2024 21:29 
1038 Points
19 Posts
I upgraded Telerik UI for Blazor 6.0.2 package from 5.0.0. Now it's erroring on window resizing as: Uncaught (in promise) Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Telerik.Blazor.Components.TelerikWindow.SetSize(WindowSizeDescriptor size) ...
Views: 167
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Posted On: 27-Jun-2024 01:11 
2790 Points
78 Posts
WhatsApp, renowned as one of the globe's most beloved messaging platforms, empowers users to express themselves with thoughts, photos, and videos via its distinctive 'status' feature. While it's common knowledge that you can effortlessly include text, images, and videos in your WhatsApp status, did ...
Views: 138
Total Answered: 1
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Posted On: 23-Jun-2024 01:06 
1512 Points
51 Posts
I'm using GitHub auth to authenticate my website but it's not redirecting back to the my authorize page. Instead of this showing error message on github: Page not found GitHub
Views: 204
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Posted On: 20-Jun-2024 04:31 
606 Points
25 Posts
I'm trying following Azure Service Bus Queue Triggered function as: [Function(nameof(DequeueMessageTrend))] public async Task Run( [ServiceBusTrigger("dev-field-queue", Connection = "SBNSConnectionString", IsBatched = true)] Serv ...
Views: 219
Total Answered: 2
Total Marked As Answer: 1
Posted On: 29-May-2024 21:50 
154 Points
3 Posts
I'm trying to redirect back to specific page in my blazor application. I'm using Azure B2C authentication in .net 8 blazor application. It always return to route of my application i.e. /. It's generating logic url as: https://mydomain.b2clogin.com/mydomain.onmicrosoft.com/b2c_1_susi/oauth2/v2.0/ ...
Views: 201
Total Answered: 1
Total Marked As Answer: 1
Posted On: 26-May-2024 22:25 
284 Points
14 Posts
How to fix following error? Error: System.InvalidOperationException: The current thread is not associated with the Dispatcher. Use InvokeAsync() to switch execution to the Dispatcher when triggering rendering or component state. at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ComponentBase.StateHasChanged( ...
Views: 204
Total Answered: 1
Total Marked As Answer: 0
Posted On: 24-May-2024 02:26 
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