11 Questions

1086 Points
29 Posts
I'm using Android studio to develop my first android app and want to use some png images. How to add images to the android project?
Views: 1290
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Posted On: 12-Apr-2021 21:16 
310 Points
20 Posts
I'm using Picasso library to download images from api endpoint: Picasso.get().load(imgUrl).into(holder.mImgProfileView); Now I needed to download images from endpoint that is authorized. I need to pass authentication header to authenticate the endpoint.
Views: 4538
Total Answered: 1
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Posted On: 22-Feb-2020 05:09 
12 Points
1 Posts
I want to update recycler view through Alarm Manager at a sepcific interval. To this I'm using BroadcastReceiver to receive the task completion: public class MyFragment extends Fragment { // TODO: Customize parameter argument names private static final String ARG_COLUMN_COUNT = "column ...
Views: 8059
Total Answered: 1
Total Marked As Answer: 1
Posted On: 15-Feb-2020 02:11 
310 Points
20 Posts
I'm using Alarm Manager to update recycler view on specific interval (say in 10 seconds). I'm able to update data in recycler data adapter but recycler view not getting updated. public class UpdateService extends IntentService { public UpdateService() { super("UpdateService"); } ...
Views: 3519
Total Answered: 1
Total Marked As Answer: 1
Posted On: 27-Dec-2019 21:56 
2 Points
1 Posts
     Recently, I made a ".jar" file in NetBeans 8.0.2, and though it works when its path is input into the Command Prompt of my OS (Microsoft, Windows 7), and then executed, it will not run when it is double-clicked from its file location; what could be causing this issue? &nbs ...
Views: 9756
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Posted On: 14-Nov-2016 13:47 
Dinesh Pun
Dinesh Pun
8 Points
4 Posts
public class A{     public static void method(){         Object object=new Object();     } } public class B{     public void method(){         Object object=new Object();     } } 1 ...
Views: 9785
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Posted On: 05-Nov-2015 23:21 
Dinesh Pun
Dinesh Pun
8 Points
4 Posts
I have read that code re-usability can be achieve through inheritance. Can't same functionality achieve through Aggregation by creating its object on same class then why we use inheritance?
Views: 9637
Total Answered: 1
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Posted On: 20-Oct-2015 08:51 
Dinesh Pun
Dinesh Pun
8 Points
4 Posts
Hello Admin, I have developed a LAN Chat Application using RMI its working fine but some time it is too much slow due to latency or some network issues or some firewall security.. Question : Is there any approach to solve this type of issues? or any java network api for developing such type of L ...
Views: 9700
Total Answered: 0
Total Marked As Answer: 0
Posted On: 14-Oct-2015 11:40 
Dinesh Pun
Dinesh Pun
8 Points
4 Posts
How to break singleton pattern in java?
Views: 9679
Total Answered: 1
Total Marked As Answer: 1
Posted On: 13-Oct-2015 10:34 
378 Points
48 Posts
Hi, How do I compare strings in Java?
Views: 10089
Total Answered: 1
Total Marked As Answer: 0
Posted On: 25-Jul-2015 09:18 
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