You are here: C/introduction
  • C is a 3rd generation HIGH LEVEL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE.
  • It was designed and written by Dennis M. Ritchie, employee of AT & T's Bell Laboratories of USA, in 1972.
  • C is one of the simplest and easy to learn programming language.


If we talking about the history of C, we see that there is a long journey from starting of C to latest C which are used frequently.
Following flowchart show the step by step development of C.

  • BCPL - developed by Martin Richards  
  • B - written by Ken Thompson in 1970
  • C - publication of 'The C Programming Language' by Kernighan & Ritchie in 1978
  • ANSI C /ISO C - standard definition of C given by American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1988.

So, in today's scenerio, we use ANSI C.

Some important facts about C

  • C was invented during development of an operating system called UNIX.
  • The language was standarized in 1988 by the American National Standard Institute (ANSI).
  • The UNIX OS and LINUX OS were totally written in C.
  • Today C is the most widely used System Programming Language.
  • Most of the state-of-the-art software and also some gaming frameworks have been implemented using C.
  • Today's most popular RDBMS MySQL has been written in C.


A C program basically consists of the following parts −

       Preprocessor Commands
       Statements & Expressions

Let us look at a simple code that would print the words "Hello World" − 

/* my first program in C */ //(Comments- Not compile by compiler)
#include <stdio.h> //(Preprocessor commands)
int main() //(Globally declared function called main function)
{     //(Starting of body of main function)
printf("Hello, World! \n"); //(Print or display function)
return 0; //(Returing values, here nothing will returned so return 0)
}//(End of main function)


Hello, World!



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