How to set Unicode text (Hindi) in SQL update command in SQL Studio Editor?

1544 Points
52 Posts

I'm trying following update command:

UPDATE tbl_tech set priceunit=N'₹' where id=2

But its not setting correct symbol and inserting '?' in the priceunit field.

How to set Unicode text (Hindi) in SQL update command in  SQL Studio Editor?

Views: 525
Total Answered: 1
Total Marked As Answer: 1
Posted On: 11-Aug-2023 22:07

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1544 Points
52 Posts

Resolved myself. Changed field type from varchar to nvarchar. Following worked for me:

UPDATE tbl_tech set priceunit=N'₹' where id=2


Posted On: 13-Aug-2023 22:42
Thanks for sharing solution.
 - Brian  13-Aug-2023 22:43
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