How to crop/resize image to fit all the aspect ratio using jCrop?

312 Points
20 Posts

I'm using following code to load jcrop as:

                    setSelect: [selectX, selectY, selectW, selectH],
                    aspectRatio: 1,
                    minSize: [selectW, selectH],
                    maxSize: [selectW * 4, selectH * 4],
                    handles: true,
                    boxWidth: scalex,
                    boxHeight: scaley,
                    onSelect: storeCoords

Now, it's showing selection as aspect ratio 1:1. I want to we can select any area or free selection style.


Views: 1195
Total Answered: 1
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Posted On: 03-Jul-2021 23:38

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Rahul Maurya
Rahul M...
4918 Points
28 Posts

It does not need to set aspectRatio. And doing this we can select in any ratio:

                    setSelect: [selectX, selectY, selectW, selectH],
                    minSize: [selectW, selectH],
                    maxSize: [selectW * 4, selectH * 4],
                    handles: true,
                    boxWidth: scalex,
                    boxHeight: scaley,
                    onSelect: storeCoords


Posted On: 04-Jul-2021 20:42
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