How do I disallow specific page from robots.txt

12 Points
1 Posts

I have few pages in website and don't want to crawled by any crawlers. How do I disallow specific page, directory using robot.txt.

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Posted On: 28-Feb-2019 23:06

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1544 Points
52 Posts

You can also add a specific page or directory with extension in robots.txt file. Use Disallow keyword as follow:

Disallow: /index_test.html
Disallow: /products
Posted On: 01-Mar-2019 05:59
1194 Points
33 Posts

Following are methods to disallowed index:

  • using either robots.txt or
  • the meta robots tag
Disallow: /index.html
Disallow: /prod
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />

The next time your site is indexed this will make your content drop out of the Google index.

You can also you the noarchive value – this will block caching of your page. This is Google specific:

<meta name="robots" content="noarchive" />
Posted On: 04-Mar-2019 08:24
Deven Malik
Deven M...
10 Points
0 Posts

This tag will work <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />

Posted On: 09-Feb-2022 02:40
Shriyansh IOT
20 Points
0 Posts

To prevent specific pages or directories from being crawled by search engine bots using robots.txt, simply add "Disallow" directives for each page or directory you want to block. For example, to block a page: Disallow: /specific-page.html, and to block a directory: Disallow: /directory/. Upload the updated robots.txt to your website's root directory.

Posted On: 04-Oct-2023 04:25
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