how to return the value of identity column after insert statement in Sql Server

936 Points
28 Posts

I am using stored procedure to return the identity column value in a table against the row in which some vlaues are inserted. for example using stored procedure if we insert data in a table:

Table tblUser

UserID integer, identity, auto-incremented
Name varchar
UserName varchar
Password varchar

So if I run the store procedure inserting some values in the table tblUser like,

INSERT INTO tblUser(Name, UserName, Password) VALUES ('example', 'example', 'example')

how can I return the value of UserID of the row at which this insertion will take place. I need The value of UserID for some other operations, can anybody solve this?


Views: 8759
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Posted On: 18-May-2016 02:46

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Rahul Maurya
Rahul M...
4822 Points
23 Posts

Use Output clause in insert statement as:

Insert into tblUser(Name, UserName, Password) Output Inserted.UserID
Values ('example', 'example', 'example')


Posted On: 18-May-2016 03:03
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